
There are tons of excellent examples in PyVista’s gallery, but here are some additional examples more geared towards geoscientists.

Many of these examples have made their way into the main PyVista docs, but I still host them here to have a complete list of geoscientific examples.

Please feel free to use and extend these examples. I simply ask that you please give me and the PyVista Developers a shout out / some form of acknowledgment ;)

Creating a Contour Map

Creating a Contour Map

Drape 2D Surface From Line

Drape 2D Surface From Line

Geological Cross Section

Geological Cross Section

Damavand Volcano

Damavand Volcano

Extract Topography

Extract Topography

Masked Grid for Two Sides of a Fault

Masked Grid for Two Sides of a Fault

Geological Map on Topography

Geological Map on Topography

Picking Horizons

Picking Horizons

Kriging with GSTools

Kriging with GSTools

Mine Pit Imagery

Mine Pit Imagery

Read a raster using xarray

Read a raster using xarray

Spherical Data

Spherical Data

Surface Boolean Logic

Surface Boolean Logic

Terrain Following Mesh

Terrain Following Mesh

Topographic Map

Topographic Map

Voxelize Points

Voxelize Points

Load OMF Project

Load OMF Project

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery